Key Points

Why Did Lord Krishna Say to Focus On the Process and Not On the Result?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna imparts profound wisdom and guidance to Arjuna and guides him in overcoming the challenges of life.

One of the most important teachings of Lord Krishna is to focus on the process rather than being attached to the result. This profound principle is very relevant in today's world, where we often find ourselves focusing on the result rather than being fully immersed in the present moment.

During my 10-year entrepreneurial journey, I faced many ups and downs, and it was through these experiences that I truly began to understand the wisdom behind the teachings of Lord Krishna.

Focus on the process, not the result
Why it's important to focus on the process rather than the outcome


📚Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Lord Krishna on Karma, Process, and Result
  3. Closing Thoughts


Lord Krishna on Karma (Work), Process, and Result

In verse 47 of chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says, "You have the right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions." This poignant verse sheds light on Krishna's perspective on results - he encourages us to detach ourselves from the outcome of our endeavors and instead focus on the process itself.

As an entrepreneur, this idea initially seemed paradoxical. After all, aren't results the ultimate measure of success in the business world? However, my journey has taught me that success is not solely determined by the end result but rather by the effort and intention that is poured into the process.

Krishna's teachings on focus, success, and failure encapsulate a profound understanding of human nature and the ever-fluctuating nature of life itself. He emphasizes that success and failure are simply two sides of the same coin. In the pursuit of any goal, it is inevitable to encounter both moments of triumph and moments of setback. Rather than becoming disheartened by failure or overly attached to success, Krishna urges us to find solace in the knowledge that life is a continuous cycle of ups and downs.

READ ALSO: Lord Krishna Quotes

Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey, I can recount numerous instances where my focus on the outcome clouded my ability to fully experience and appreciate the journey itself. There were times when I became fixated on achieving a specific financial target or gaining recognition in the industry, only to realize that the more I fixated on the result, the more I lost sight of the present moment. It was during such moments of introspection that I turned to the Bhagavad Gita for guidance and discovered the immense value of focusing on the process.

One of the key lessons I learned from Lord Krishna's teachings is that attaching ourselves too strongly to a desired outcome inevitably leads to suffering. When we place all our happiness and fulfillment on the attainment of a particular result, our self-worth becomes dependent on external circumstances, leaving us vulnerable to disappointment and despair. Instead, Krishna encourages us to detach ourselves from the fruits of our actions, to relinquish our attachment to the outcome, and to channel our energy into performing our duties with utmost dedication and sincerity.

By adopting this mindset, I have learned to approach every aspect of my entrepreneurial journey with a sense of equanimity and detachment. I have come to understand that obstacles and failures are not roadblocks on the path to success but rather opportunities for growth and self-reflection. Every setback I encountered became a stepping stone towards greater resilience and wisdom. It was in those moments, when I wholeheartedly embraced the process, that I found the strength to move forward, regardless of the outcome.


Closing Thoughts

The teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita are full of timeless wisdom that transcends time and space. Emphasizing the importance of focusing on the process rather than the result, Krishna teaches us to detach ourselves from the fruits of our actions and find fulfillment in the present moment.

Through my life journey, I have realized the profound truth behind these teachings. Success is not determined only by results, but by the dedication, intention, and growth we put into our journey. By embracing the process and letting go of attachment to outcomes, we can truly experience the depth of life’s experiences and find fulfillment in every moment.



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