Key Points

Who is the Most Perfect According to Lord Krishna?

Hi, friend! My name is Sampati Kumar Nirugonda, and today I want to share with you some profound insights about Lord Krishna and the unique soul that brought joy to his heart. After studying this divine personality for years and immersing myself in his teachings, I have gained a deeper understanding of who Krishna considered the most dear and rare person in his life.

Ideal person according to Lord Krishna
Which soul is very rare according to Krishna?


📚Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Which soul is very rare according to Krishna?
  3. Who was Krishna's favorite person?
  4. Conclusion


Which soul is very rare according to Krishna?

According to Lord Krishna, the most exceptional soul is one who possesses unwavering devotion, faith, and love for the divine. Such a soul becomes a vessel for Krishna's grace and experiences a deep connection with the Lord. This rare individual understands that true devotion lies not in rituals or external practices, but in surrendering the ego and allowing the divine to guide their every action.

Personally, I believe that there are very few people who truly desire to have a spiritual relationship with Lord Krishna. True devotion requires effort, sincerity, and selflessness - qualities that can be challenging to develop in this increasingly materialistic world. It is this rarity that makes a soul so dear to Krishna.


Who was Krishna's favorite person?

Amongst the countless individuals who crossed paths with Lord Krishna, there was one individual who truly held a special place in his heart – the compassionate, devoted, and selfless Arjuna.

Arjuna, a noble warrior and dear friend of Krishna, exemplified the qualities and traits that resonated with the divine at the deepest level.

Arjuna's unwavering devotion to Krishna was evident during the Kurukshetra War. As Krishna served as Arjuna's charioteer, guiding him through the battle, Arjuna showed humility and complete surrender to the Lord's wisdom and guidance. This act of surrender laid bare Arjuna's love and trust in Krishna, making him Krishna's favorite person.

Furthermore, in the sacred scripture Bhagavad Gita, Krishna imparts profound spiritual knowledge and wisdom to Arjuna, guiding him through the inner struggles and dilemmas he faced during the war. Krishna viewed Arjuna as a valuable student, receptive to his teachings and eager to embrace spiritual growth.


Closing Thoughts

Lord Krishna deeply appreciated those souls who had true and unbreakable devotion towards God. Through my study and personal reflection, I have come to understand that people who have a rare blend of devotion, love and faith like Arjuna hold a special place in Krishna’s heart.

It is both awe-inspiring and humbling to think of Krishna's love and respect for such individuals. This realization fills me with deep reverence for God and deepens my quest for spiritual growth and unwavering devotion.

Thank you for taking this spiritual journey with me today. I hope this article has helped you understand why Arjuna was Lord Krishna's favorite person. May you all strive to develop a similar level of devotion and surrender in your life, leading you to experience the grace and blessings of the divine.



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