Key Points

Learn to Connect with Higher Self in Meditation

I have always been fascinated by meditation and its ability to elevate our consciousness. During my journey, I came across various techniques and teachings that shed light on the concept of connecting with our higher self.

One such explanation that profoundly resonated with me is Sadhguru's insightful perspective. In this article, I will discuss in depth Sadhguru's teachings about connecting to the Higher Self, explore the transformative experiences that occur when making this connection, identify signs that our Higher Self is communicating with us, and and will provide guidance on how to effectively connect with your Higher Self during meditation.

Connecting with higher self guided meditation
Connect with Higher Self with the help of Meditation


🔖Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Sadhguru on connecting with the higher self
  3. What happens when we connect to our higher self?
  4. Signs that your higher self is talking to you
  5. How to connect with higher self in meditation?
  6. Conclusion


Sadhguru on connecting with the higher self

Sadhguru describes the higher self as our ultimate nature, a dimension of pure consciousness beyond the limitations of our physical body and mind. It is a connection to the cosmic intelligence and universal wisdom that resides within us all. When we tap into this higher self, we unlock our true potential and gain access to profound insights and guidance.


So, what happens when we connect to our higher self?

The answer is simple yet extraordinary. We experience a profound sense of inner peace and clarity. Our actions align with our true purpose in life, and we navigate through challenges with ease. The worries and anxieties that once plagued us begin to lose their grip, as we gain an unshakeable trust in the universe and ourselves.

READ ALSO: How Sadhguru got enlightened?


Signs that your higher self is talking to you

  • Intuitive insights: Your higher self may provide deep insights about your life or surroundings.
  • Synchronicities: Notice meaningful coincidences during meditation; they may indicate your higher self is guiding you.
  • Feeling of connection: An expanded sense of connection during meditation can signal communication from your higher self.
  • Inner peace and clarity: A profound sense of peace or clarity may suggest your higher self is sharing important messages.
  • Visual imagery: Messages might come through visions or imagery with symbolic meanings during meditation.
  • Strong emotions: Intense feelings of joy, love, or excitement can be your higher self communicating with you.
  • Subtle nudges: Trust subtle gut feelings or nudges guiding your actions, as these may be messages from your higher self.
  • Heightened awareness: When communicating, you may gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and environment.

READ ALSO: What Sadhguru says about life?


How to connect with higher self in meditation?

By following these guided instructions, you can calm the chatter of the mind and enter a state of deep relaxation. When meditating, it is essential to create a sacred space where you can completely immerse yourself. Find a quiet corner, light a candle, and perhaps play some calming music to enhance the ambiance.

When you sit in your meditation space, take a few moments to calm yourself down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, letting go of the worries and stress of the day. Now, move your attention to the center of your being – our heart center. Imagine a gentle light emanating from this spot, spreading out and enveloping your entire being.

With each breath, invite your Higher Self to join you. Feel the sense of profound love and acceptance emanating from this divine presence. Allow yourself to surrender to this connection, trusting that your Higher Self has your best interests at heart.

During this meditation, it is important to remain patient and open. Your Higher Self may choose to communicate with you through images, feelings, or even insights that come to you randomly throughout the day. By maintaining a receptive state, you can strengthen your connection and deepen your understanding of the guidance being given.


Closing Thoughts

The concept of connecting with your higher self is a transformational journey that offers unparalleled growth and self-awareness. When you enter this divine realm of consciousness, you unlock your true potential and experience a profound sense of inner peace.

By following Sadhguru’s teachings and incorporating guided meditations into your daily practice, you can build a strong and meaningful connection with your higher self.

Trust in the process, remain open to the signs and guidance and embark on this beautiful journey of self-discovery.


DISCLAIMER: This guide reflects my personal experiences and is not affiliated with Sadhguru. Use it with discernment to connect with your higher self through meditation.



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