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Why did Swami Vivekananda Die So Young?

Why did Swami Vivekananda Die So Young? | The untold story of Swami Vivekananda's death

Why did Swami Vivekananda Die So Young?
Swami Vivekananda death reason

Swami Vivekananda death reason:

Swami Vivekananda did not live long and left his body at the young age of 39. He was suffering from many ailments such as diabetes and asthma, but on the day of his passing, he was healthy and happy at breakfast. What, then, led to his death at such a young age?

In fact, after the passing of all transformed souls like Swami Vivekananda, there is a great hidden spiritual truth that we do not normally understand. But fortunately, Swami Vivekananda himself revealed the truth in detail. About six years before his death, sometime in August 1896, Vivekananda told his brother Swami Abhedananda that he would live only five or six years.

How accurate was this prediction for Swami Vivekananda passed away six years earlier on 4th July 1902? When Swami Abhedananda protested that a young man like him should not think about death, Vivekananda replied: "You do not understand. My soul is troubled every day; so that the body will not be able to contain it. Any day can explode this cage of meat and bones."

Now, what did Swami Vivekananda mean when he said that his soul was getting bigger? Here is the explanation that the soul is nothing but pure consciousness. So what Swami Vivekananda meant was that his consciousness was expanding so much, beyond the realms of ordinary human consciousness to the domain of the super-conscious that the body was proving an inadequate container and would soon have to be let go.

To better understand this point, let us consider Vedanta's philosophy. According to Vedanta philosophy, consciousness is an existing field that differs from the physical body. This field of understanding is a continuum which means it is continuous in all directions like the endless sea.

Our soul can be thought of as part of this ongoing field of knowledge. So what we usually see as human knowledge is only a small fraction of the infinite breadth of knowledge. Most of them lie beyond the ordinary human experience.

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Here I would like to point out that many times what we call spiritual or magical conditions fall into this place. This is similar to light, in which we can see only a few wavelengths from the full spectrum, but certain insects such as bees can choose many other colors.

Vedanta now tells us that various living things hear, different parts of this progressive aspect of the understanding. Take, for example, the ant. Compared to a person it has a very low level of understanding. The ant does not have a traffic jam and does not bother to pick up the children from school. In other words, the soul of the ghost is in a state of limited awareness, or limited awareness of the world. There are many things on earth that ants know nothing about.

Now let's say that the soul or the consciousness of the ant increases so that there is more knowledge. Vedanta then tells us that the soul of the ant will find a small body and the brain of ants is not enough to reveal its great consciousness. And then, it will show its intentions a better body; he says that with the cat. So according to Vedanta, this is how evolution occurs.

Below the chain of evolution of biological diversity, a real spiritual truth of increasing growth. This expansion of consciousness is a real engine that drives the whole train of evolution. Now in the evolutionary cycle, you don't jump straight from an ant to a cat, instead, there are many evolutionary steps in the middle, but this is just an example to illustrate the point. In fact, in Hinduism, the soul is said to have passed through 8.4 million living beings before being born as a human. But humans are also far from being the final product of evolution.

In the case of humans, our consciousness or soul is much higher than that of an animal but is still limited. It is still beyond the scope of human knowledge; there is a state of great consciousness in which our soul is so enlarged that it ceases to exist. In other words from being a small part of the sea of ​​knowledge, it has become everything.

This is a situation, where the soul is united with the infinite sea of ​​knowledge also known as Universal Consciousness or God. This condition of the soul is called by different names in different religions. In Hinduism it is called Samadhi, in Buddhism, it is called Enlightenment and in Christianity, it is called Salvation. The names may be different, but they all mean the same thing and that is freedom or liberation in the cycle of birth and death.

For in this final state of Samadhi who knows well the soul is finally free. Its endless consciousness can no longer be confined to a depleted body and the body is released. This state of Samadhi was discovered by Swami Vivekananda, by his grandfather Sri Ramakrishna, by Sri Aurobindo, by Ramana Maharishi, and in our present times by my supreme mentor or Guru Shriram Sharma Acharya.



This state of super conscious enlightenment was also attained by Jesus and by Buddha, and this final state of freedom alone is the goal for all of us. If you have any doubts then comment below and never forget to share and subscribe to Million-$-Knowledge.


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