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Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, an iconic figure and the preeminent leader of India's struggle for independence, remains one of the most influential personalities in the world. Renowned for his philosophy of non-violent resistance, Gandhi's life journey from a young barrister to becoming the 'Father of the Nation' is a captivating tale that still resonates with people across the globe.

Through his unwavering advocacies for truth, justice, and equality, Gandhi's life serves as an eternal inspiration, showcasing the power of determination and peaceful means in achieving monumental change.

Join us on an enlightening journey as we delve into the compelling biography of Mahatma Gandhi, a man who transformed the course of history through his unwavering principles and unwavering commitment to the greater good.

Complete Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi Biography


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Mahatma Gandhi biography

Mahatma Gandhi Full Name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. Mohandas belongs to the social caste of traders. His mother was illiterate, but her common sense and religious devotion had a lasting effect on Gandhi's character.

As a young man, Mohandas was a good student, but the shy young man showed no signs of leadership. After the death of his father, Mohandas went to England for a law degree. He joined the vegetarian community and was once asked to translate the Hindu Bhagavad Gita. This classic of Hindu literature made Gandhi proud in Indian texts, including the Gita pearl.

During this time he also studied the Bible and was influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ, with a special emphasis on humility and forgiveness. He adhered to the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita throughout his life, although he was critical of both religions.

After completing his law degree, Gandhi returned to India, where he was soon deported to South Africa for his legal practice. In South Africa, Gandhi was shocked by racism and the injustice that Indians often experience. Gandhi was the first to launch civil disobedience and protest campaigns in South Africa; He called his non-violent protest a Satyagraha (policy of passive political resistance).

Despite being in prison for a short time, he supported the British under certain circumstances. He was decorated by the British for his work during the Boer War and the Zulu Rebellion. After 21 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India in 1915. Became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement campaigning for Swaraj (self-sufficiency).

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Gandhi successfully instigated non-violent protests. This includes a national strike of one or two days. The British demanded a ban on the protests but made it harder to deal with the nature of the violent protests and strikes. Gandhi encouraged his followers to practice internal discipline to prepare for independence.

Gandhi said that Indians should prove that they deserve freedom. This is in stark contrast to independence leaders like Aurobindo Ghosh, who argued that Indian independence was not about whether India would provide better or worse government, but that India had a right to self-government.

Gandhi clashed with others in the Indian independence movement, such as Subhash Chandra Bose, who suggested direct action to overthrow the British. Gandhi often called off strikes and non-violent protests when he heard that people were rioting or being associated with violence.

In 1930, Gandhi led a famous march across the sea in protest against the new Salt Acts. At sea, he violated British rules and made his own salt. Several hundred people were arrested and Indian jails were filled with followers of Indian independence. However, at the height of the campaign, some Indian protesters killed some British civilians, and as a result, Gandhi withdrew from the independence movement.

It broke the hearts of many Indians who were committed to independence. This led to hardliners like Bhagat Singh campaigning for independence, which was particularly strong in Bengal. After the war, Britain suggested that they give independence to India. However, with the support of the Jinnah-led Muslims, the British planned to divide India into two parts: India and Pakistan.

Gandhi ideologically opposed partition. He worked hard to show that Muslims and Hindus could live in peace. In their prayer meetings, Muslim prayers were recited along with Hindu and Christian prayers. However, Gandhi agreed to partition and spent Independence Day mourning for partition.

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Even Gandhi's fasts and appeals were not enough to stem the wave of religious violence and murder that followed the Partition. Away from the politics of Indian independence, Gandhi was a fierce critic of the Hindu caste system. In particular, he protested against the "Untouchable Caste" that treats society with disgust. He launched several campaigns to change the status of the untouchables. Although his campaigns met with much resistance, they went a long way in replacing the centuries-old bias.

At the age of 78, Gandhi undertook another fast to try to stop the assassinations. 5 days later, the leaders agreed to stop the killing. But ten days later Gandhi was shot dead by a Hindu Brahmin in protest of his support for Muslims and untouchables. Gandhi was a truth seeker. Gandhi said that seeing God was the greatest goal in his life. He sought to worship God and to promote religious understanding.

Gandhi was inspired by many religions: Jainism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, incorporating them into his philosophy. On several occasions, he used religious practices and fasting as part of his political policy. Gandhi realized that personal examples could influence public opinion.


Final Thoughts

Mahatma Gandhi's biography offers a profound insight into the life and achievements of one of the most influential figures in history. Gandhi's unwavering commitment to nonviolent resistance and his tireless efforts to fight for India's independence have left an indelible mark on the world.

His moral and ethical principles continue to inspire future generations to strive for justice, equality, and peace. His remarkable journey from a young lawyer to a revered leader serves as a testament to the power of determination, courage, and compassion.

Truly, Mahatma Gandhi's life serves as a beacon of hope and his legacy will forever remain a source of inspiration for those fighting for social change and a better world.




FAQs On Mahatma Gandhi

What did Mahatma Gandhi do?

Mahatma Gandhi was a leader of India's independence movement against British rule. He advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience and led various protests and campaigns to achieve independence. He also promoted peaceful coexistence between different religious and ethnic groups and fought against social injustices such as untouchability and discrimination. Gandhi is widely regarded as a symbol of peace, unity, and freedom.

How old was Gandhi when he died?

78 years old.

How many bullets hit Mahatma Gandhi?

Three bullets.

What is the biography of Mahatma Gandhi called?

The Story of My Experiments with Truth.

How old was Gandhi when he started Satyagraha?

Around 46 years of age.